
  • Дмитрий Владимирович Логинов Российский государственный социальный университет, Москва, Российская Федерация. https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9171-3062
  • Надежда Евгеньевна Ерешко Российский государственный социальный университет, Москва, Российская Федерация. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7034-8999


Abstract. The work is aimed at studying the possibility of fitness classes, in a remote format, using multimedia technologies and ways to interact with program participants.

Relevance. Such events can bring together a large number of participants, and to ensure participation in this event, you will need a multimedia device with Internet access that allows you to broadcast sound, video, vector and graphic images. The emergence of social networks and messengers has expanded the scope of remote communication, there are opportunities to join groups of interests, instant communication and get interesting information, communication. The use of multimedia tools allows you to expand the usual boundaries of obtaining information, better assimilate the material, and ensure interaction with the received information.

Problem: at the moment, citizens of retirement age remain in self-isolation during restrictive measures and are deprived of the opportunity to attend any events and lead a full-fledged lifestyle. In this case, the use of multimedia capabilities using remote technologies can compensate for this lack, and in some cases expand the scope of their capabilities.

Objective: to organize and conduct remote fitness classes within the framework of the Moscow longevity program, to study the effectiveness of these classes.

Tasks: study of the effectiveness of classes and interaction between the instructor and the audience, search for the optimal conduct of classes

Results and discussion. Since the start of the project, there was interest in the classes, in a group of 20 people, the first lesson was attended by 12. The fluctuating number can be attributed to other priority factors identified in the survey, such as personal Affairs and physical well-being. As the classes were held, one could observe interest in conducting a particular program. This is clearly seen by the number of participants, with a low turnout during the 6th session of the TABATA complex, a strength program that not everyone is able to complete. In contrast to TABATA, the myofascial release classes had a record number of 16 respondents in the 8th, 11th, and 13th sessions.

Conclusions and conclusions. Analyzing the quality of the event and its number of participants, we can talk about the importance and necessity of this project. Remote-format fitness classes allow you to lead a healthy lifestyle, observe the motor mode and improve your health.

Библиографические ссылки


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Как цитировать

Логинов, Д. В., & Ерешко, Н. Е. (2020). ДИСТАНЦИОННЫЕ ЗАНЯТИЯ ФИТНЕСОМ В РАМКАХ ПРОГРАММЫ МОСКОВСКОЕ ДОЛГОЛЕТИЕ. Актуальные проблемы педагогики и психологии. Научный рецензируемый электронный журнал (сетовое издание) 16+, 1(2), 29–35. извлечено от http://pedpsy.ru/index.php/ped/article/view/11



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