
  • Lopatina Tatiana Alexandrovna Altai State Pedagogical University, Barnaul, Russian Federation.


social aspect, teenager, behavior, age period, puberty, value, analysis.


The article is devoted to the problem of determining the social aspect in the behavior of modern adolescents. The characteristics of the adolescent period are given, its age limits are determined. Based on a meaningful conceptual analysis, it was revealed that value orientations fully reflect the complex of social views of modern adolescents. An empirical study was conducted on the subject of value orientations of modern adolescents using the method of M. Rokich. As a result of the study, it was revealed that significant shifts in the life of society are reflected in the formation of value orientations of modern adolescents, which is manifested in the predominance of values associated with the individual, personal life of a particular person, as well as in the significant variability of individual systems of value orientations. As a result of the analysis, it was revealed that modern teenagers are experiencing all the difficulties of the process of their formation in the enormously difficult conditions of the transformation of outdated values and the formation of new relationships in society. This explains the interest in this research topic.



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Abstract. The article is devoted to the problem of determining the social aspect in the behavior of modern adolescents. The characteristics of the adolescent period are given, its age limits are determined. Based on a meaningful conceptual analysis, it was revealed that value orientations fully reflect the complex of social views of modern adolescents. An empirical study was conducted on the subject of value orientations of modern adolescents using the method of M. Rokich. As a result of the study, it was revealed that significant shifts in the life of society are reflected in the formation of value orientations of modern adolescents, which is manifested in the predominance of values associated with the individual, personal life of a particular person, as well as in the significant variability of individual systems of value orientations. As a result of the analysis, it was revealed that modern teenagers are experiencing all the difficulties of the process of their formation in the enormously difficult conditions of the transformation of outdated values and the formation of new relationships in society. This explains the interest in this research topic.



How to Cite

Лопатина Татьяна Александровна. (2022). THE SOCIAL ASPECT OF ADOLESCENT BEHAVIOR IN THE MODERN WORLD . Actual Problems of Pedagogy and Psychology. Scientific Peer-Reviewed Electronic Journal (online Edition) 16+, 3(8), 30–36. Retrieved from