Mandalanats Struyana Vladimirovna Private Scientific Institution "Luchezarnova Evdokia Institute of Rhythmology", St. Petersburg, alena09051973@mail.ru


  • Mandalanatc Struyana Vladimirovna Санкт-Петербург частное научное учреждение "Институт ритмологии Лучезарновой Евдокии"


Key words: fear, intellectual development, mental activity, social adaptation, personal growth, psychocorrection.


Abstract: This article discusses the psychological aspects of experiencing the state of fear as a specific condition for the development of human mental activity. The author describes the technique of working with fears, set out in the monograph "Rhythmometers" by E. D. Luchezarnova [4]. The original interpretation of fear through the concept of "brain emptiness" is analyzed. The article presents the practical results of using this technique on a group of respondents of 276 people. The overall goal of the study was a qualitative analysis of the respondents' assessments of their state in relation to fears, as well as the activation of thought processes in accordance with the criteria derived from the methodology of E.D. Luchezarnova. At the end of the article, a conclusion is made about the special significance of the mechanisms for controlling the state of fear in the development of a person's mental activity and, ultimately, in the realization of his personal and social capabilities.


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How to Cite

Мандаланатц Струяна Владимировна. (2022). FEAR AS AN INCENTIVE FOR THE HUMAN MENTAL ACTIVITY DEVELOPMENT: Mandalanats Struyana Vladimirovna Private Scientific Institution "Luchezarnova Evdokia Institute of Rhythmology", St. Petersburg, alena09051973@mail.ru. Actual Problems of Pedagogy and Psychology. Scientific Peer-Reviewed Electronic Journal (online Edition) 16+, 3(12), 37–45. Retrieved from http://pedpsy.ru/index.php/ped/article/view/179