

lawn-tennis, Crimea, institutions, development, popularity, recreation


Abstract. The presented article examines the peculiarities of the emergence and development of lawn-tennis in the Crimea.

Relevance. The issues of the emergence of new types of physical exercises and sports games in the late XIX - early XX centuries in the Crimea have not been studied enough. 

The goal of the work is to consider the process of the emergence and spread of lawn-tennis in the Crimea before the revolution of 1917.

Materials and methods of research. In the course of the work, the analysis of archival documents, publications, Internet resources, general scientific and historical research methods were used.

Results and discussion. Lawn-tennis appearance in the Crimea is connected with the hobby of Emperor Nicholay II. The first playgrounds were built in the royal residence in Livadia and private estates of the court aristocracy in the southern coastal settlements of the Crimea. The material base for lawn-tennis is gradually developing.  Special public organizations are being created – circles of sports fans and sport clubs that develop this sport. At the beginning of the XXth century, lawn-tennis is gradually gaining popularity in educational institutions of the Crimea. Bat, there is no information about the holding of official tennis tournaments and competitions in Crimea, apparently, the game was used only as a means of recreation and entertainment.

Conclusion. As a result of the research, the peculiarities of the spread of lawn tennis in the Crimea from the late 90s of the 19th century to the beginning of the revolutionary events of 1917 were established.


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How to Cite

Мутьев Андрей Викторович, Феуерман Василий Васильевич, & Грабовская Елена Юрьевна. (2023). THE EMERGENCE OF LAWN-TENNIS IN THE CRIMEA AT THE BEGINING OF THE 20TH CENTURY. Actual Problems of Pedagogy and Psychology. Scientific Peer-Reviewed Electronic Journal (online Edition) 16+, 4(2), 34–42. Retrieved from



Physical education and training