
  • Klubnikov Ivan Yurevich Moscow Information Technology University - Moscow Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering" (MITU-MASI), Moscow, Russian Federation.


Abstract. Our article explores the problem of deviant behavior of children and adolescents in the digital space, based on the analysis of current data and literature. We draw attention to various forms of digital aggression, such as cyberbullying, cybermobbing and trolling, as well as dependence on the Internet, including gaming addiction and dependence on virtual communication. The results of the study show that adolescents face various causes of deviant behavior, including socio-pedagogical neglect, psychological discomfort, deviations in health and development, lack of conditions for self-expression, lack of awareness and the negative impact of the digital environment. The conclusion of the article highlights the importance of developing and implementing preventive measures aimed at forming norms and rules of behavior in the digital environment, as well as ensuring safety for children and other Internet users.

Relevance. The relevance of this study is due to the growing importance of the problem of deviant behavior of adolescents in the context of the use of modern media and digital technologies. With the development of the information society and the increasing access of adolescents to various forms of media content, including social networks, online games and video platforms, new challenges and risks arise for their psychological and social development.

Problem, goal, tasks. The article addresses the problem of deviant behavior of children and adolescents in the digital space. The main purpose of the study is to identify the main forms of digital deviation, as well as the development of preventive measures aimed at the formation of norms and rules of behavior in the digital environment. To achieve this goal, the following tasks are set: to investigate the main types of deviant behavior, to identify factors contributing to the development of deviant behavior in the digital space, and to provide recommendations for the prevention and solution of this problem.

Results and their discussion. As a result of the conducted research, it was revealed that children and adolescents face various forms of deviant behavior in the digital space, such as cyberaddiction, cyberdelicts and cyber aggression. Social and psychological factors, such as unfavorable family relationships and academic failures, can contribute to the development of such behavior. There is a low level of awareness of parents about the possible dangers of the online environment, which emphasizes the need to develop norms and rules of behavior in the digital space, as well as to ensure safety for themselves and others. Prevention of deviant behavior in the digital space requires cooperation between organizations, schools and parents, conducting training events and the availability of support resources. The purpose of such prevention is to form responsible and ethical digital citizens who are able to interact safely and effectively in an online environment.

Conclusions and conclusion. Conclusions from the study confirm that the deviant behavior of children and adolescents in the digital space is an urgent problem that requires immediate intervention and preventive measures.



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How to Cite

Клубников Иван Юрьевич. (2023). DEVIANT BEHAVIOR OF TEENAGERS: ANALYSIS OF THE ROLE OF MODERN MEDIA AND DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES. Actual Problems of Pedagogy and Psychology. Scientific Peer-Reviewed Electronic Journal (online Edition) 16+, 4(7), 5–12. Retrieved from



General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education