

Keywords: secondary vocational education, professional competence, foreign language communicative competence, English language, foreign language teaching in secondary vocational education.


Abstract. The system of secondary vocational education is aimed at training a qualified mid-level specialist in a specific industry. The implementation of training programs is ensured in accordance with state standards in the context of a competency-based interdisciplinary approach. Teaching a foreign language in this context is aimed at developing foreign language communicative competence to deepen acquired qualifications and communication in professional discourse.

Relevance. The paper describes the theoretical principles of teaching a foreign language as a basic part of the professional competence of a specialist of any qualification.

Problem, goal, tasks. The problem is that currently a key part of vocational education is the formation of professional competence. The purpose of the work is to consider teaching a foreign language in the secondary vocational education system as the formation of foreign language communicative competence (FLC) as a structural component of a specialist’s professional competence.

Materials and Methods of research. The research materials were current scientific sources based on previous studies over the past years. Research methods: analysis and synthesis of previous scientific research on a given topic and systematization of the results in a theoretical aspect in relation to training at SevCITaI.

Results and discussion. It has been determined that one of the aspects of a specialist’s professional competence is a foreign language. A foreign language during the training period forms general competence (GC) and includes an English language course in the disciplines “Foreign Language” and “Professional Foreign Language”.

Conclusion.English is designated as the main foreign language for non-linguistic areas of vocational training. This aspect involves the implementation of training focused on the formation of basic foreign language communicative competence in two components: a general language course (1 year) and professional discourse (at least 1 year). Depending on the specialty, training in a professional language course will involve appropriate vocabulary, while the general course focuses on improving previously learned rules of the English language, forming a lexical core of 2500-3000 words.


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How to Cite

Данько Юрий Владимирович. (2023). FEATURES OF TEACHING ENGLISH IN SECONDARY VOCATIONAL EDUCATION. Actual Problems of Pedagogy and Psychology. Scientific Peer-Reviewed Electronic Journal (online Edition) 16+, 4(11), 12–17. Retrieved from https://pedpsy.ru/index.php/ped/article/view/310



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