

women's sports, feminization of sports, gender and sport.


Abstract. The authors consider how society's attitude to women's participation in sports has changed. Every new year, women are becoming more active in traditionally male fields: navigation, space flight, science, sports, etc. The latter is not infrequently met with a negative reaction from the fighters for "traditional gender roles".

Relevance. The need for women to assert themselves and prove their equal rights with men in all spheres of life is also evident in sports. The desire of women to engage in professional sports is due to the fact that sports today is a prestigious occupation that brings not only moral satisfaction, but also good financial results and recognition in society. It activates the financial-economic and material-technical structures of the society. And the participation of women in sports brings beauty, entertainment, and aesthetics to it. The sport is becoming different. One of the problems of modern sports is structures. Management positions in these structures are overwhelmingly held by men.

The goal of the task. The purpose of the work is to review scientific publications on this topic. Identify women's achievements in the feminization of sports. Identify current trends in the development of sports by women. Get acquainted with the results of the feminization of sports. To identify the current vectors of the feminization of sports. Consider issues related to the" dominance " of men in leadership positions and their impact on women's participation in sports.

Materials and methods of research. The research materials were scientific sources published in the scientific electronic library elibrary (website Research methods: study of scientific literature sources, review of scientific publications.

Results and discussion. In women's sports, there are currently three manifestations of the emancipation trend. First, it is the expansion of women's Championships in various sports. Secondly, it is the desire to achieve and exceed the results of male athletes. Third – to master traditionally men's sports, such as Boxing, martial arts, weightlifting, hammer throwing. Based on these aspirations, we can describe the first three problems of women's sports.

Conclusion. The feminization of sports is a reflection of the trend of modern society towards equality, and the development of women's sports contributes to the development of sports business and related industries, at the same time, modern research on the influence of the female body and sports on each other is not enough for the safe management of sports training.



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How to Cite

Иванов, В. Д., & Федорова, М. А. (2021). THE FEMINIZATION OF SPORTS. Actual Problems of Pedagogy and Psychology. Scientific Peer-Reviewed Electronic Journal (online Edition) 16+, 1(2), 36–44. Retrieved from



Physical education and training