

travel industry, weekend tourism, day trip, regional tourism.


Abstract. The authors consider the possibility of organizing weekend tourism as an important problem in the region. The characteristics of tour objects in the Chelyabinsk, Sverdlovsk, Orenburg, and Kurgan regions are presented. The description of one-or two-day tours to the sights of the southern and middle Urals is given. The paper deals with topical issues of forming weekend tourism clusters.

Relevance. The need to relax and get new experiences exists even during the pandemic, so Russians began to actively use the opportunities of domestic tourism, including the so – called "weekend tours"-routes that are limited in time (no more than 2 nights) and distance from places of permanent residence. Therefore there is a need to consider possibilities of region to organize the tour of the day: what interesting natural objects, as organized by the industry in this direction and what can it offer not only to residents of the region and anyone wishing to relax, gain strength and new experiences.

The goal of the task. The purpose of the work is to review scientific publications on this topic. Identify weaknesses and strengths in the organization of weekend tours. Identify a list of wonderful, interesting natural objects that can attract the attention of tourists. Get acquainted with the available projects on this issue. Identify recreational opportunities in the southern and middle Urals.

Materials and methods of research. The research materials were scientific sources published in the scientific electronic library elibrary (website https://elibrary.ru). Research methods: research of scientific literature sources, review of publications, SWOT analysis of weekend tourism development.

Results and discussion. The region has huge recreational opportunities for organizing weekend tours. A variety of natural landscapes: a large number of lakes and rivers, steppe, forest-steppe, small hills and mountain ranges. On the territory of the region there are natural monuments, historical sites, ancient caves and Islands, sites of ancient people, relict forests, etc. attractions. All this richness of the region makes it possible to develop the weekend tourism industry.

Conclusion. The Chelyabinsk, Sverdlovsk, Orenburg and Kurgan regions and the regions bordering them of the Russian Federation undoubtedly have sufficient conditions for the development of weekend tourism.



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How to Cite

Иванов, В. Д., & Горелик, А. С. (2020). WEEKEND TOURISM. Actual Problems of Pedagogy and Psychology. Scientific Peer-Reviewed Electronic Journal (online Edition) 16+, 1(1), 30–42. Retrieved from http://pedpsy.ru/index.php/ped/article/view/5



Physical education and training