

national economy, culture, education and recreation as economic factors.


Abstract.The article shows the influence of education and culture on the country's economy. Factors that have a statistically significant impact on the economy are highlighted: education, culture, and the quality of recreation in the first place. The analysis showed that the greatest influence of all the considered indicators on the volume of GRP is exerted by recreation factors, such as the number of swimming pools and the number of tour packages.

Relevance. Statistical analysis of the impact of factors of education, culture and recreation on the country's economic growth makes it possible to purposefully influence the economy by investing in the development of infrastructure for quality recreation, entertainment, culture and education.

Materials and methods of research. For the study, 10 indicators of education, culture and recreation were selected, presumably having a significant impact on the volume of GRP. The significance of the regression coefficients was checked using the student's t-test.

Results and discussion. Interpretation of the regression coefficients shows that with an increase in the number of swimming pools by 1 unit. and the number of tourist packages sold to the population per 1 thousand, the size of the GRP of the subjects of the Russian Federation increases by an average of 7457.78 million rubles and 9720.42 million rubles, respectively.

Conclusion. the analysis showed that the greatest influence of all the considered indicators on the volume of GRP is exerted by recreation factors, such as the number of swimming pools and the number of tour packages.



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How to Cite

Смотрова, Е. Е. (2020). STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF THE INFLUENCE OF FACTORS OF EDUCATION, CULTURE AND RECREATION ON THE ECONOMIC GROWTH OF THE COUNTRY. Actual Problems of Pedagogy and Psychology. Scientific Peer-Reviewed Electronic Journal (online Edition) 16+, 1(1), 5–9. Retrieved from