
  • Naronova Nataliya Anatolevna Ural State Medical University. Yekaterinburg, Russia
  • Tihonova Irina Leonidovna Ural State Medical University. Yekaterinburg, Russia




The article reveals the features of the implementation of the fundamental principles of education within the discipline “General Chemistry. Bioorganic Chemistry". The developed teaching methodology, built on the principles of developmental and teaching learning, accessibility and feasibility of learning, connection of theory with practice, visualization of learning, scientific character of learning, consistency and sequence of learning, allows students of the 1st year of the medical and preventive faculty of the Ural State Medical University not only to form fundamental knowledge of chemistry, but also to gain practical skills and abilities that will be in demand in future professional activities..

Relevance. The paper deals with topical issues of teaching 1st year students of general and bioorganic chemistry at a medical university.

Problem, goal, tasks. The educational process of students must be built in a certain way in accordance with the fundamental principles of education. The purpose of the work is to consider the implementation of the principles of education within the discipline “General Chemistry. Bioorganic Chemistry" for 1st year students of the Faculty of Preventive Medicine.

Materials and Methods of research. Research materials: scientific sources, lectures and practical exercises with students. Research methods: analysis of lecture material, topics of practical classes and laboratory workshop.

Results and discussion. Discipline “General Chemistry. Bioorganic Chemistry" consists of two sections: "General Chemistry" and "Bioorganic Chemistry". Initially, 1st year students of the Faculty of Medicine and Prevention pass the topics of the section "General Chemistry", and then the topics of the section "Bioorganic Chemistry". Each topic of the first section is connected to at least three topics from the second section, so students constantly repeat and apply previously acquired knowledge to solve new problems. To solve the set tasks, it is necessary to structure the learning process in a certain way, which is based on the fundamental principles of learning: the principle of developmental and nurturing learning, the principle of accessibility and feasibility of learning, the principle of connection between theory and practice, the principle of visibility of learning, the principle of scientific learning, the principle of systematic and consistent learning . The principles are closely interconnected and the same for all academic disciplines, but their implementation in each case has its own characteristics.

To implement the principle of developing and educating education, special conditions have been created: students independently work with literature on chemistry, supplement the abstract on topics, prepare for practical classes by doing homework, do laboratory experiments, and solve tests.

To implement the principle of accessibility and feasibility of learning, the student solves problems, moving from the simple to the complex, from the known to the unknown. A well-organized order of laboratory work allows students to learn how to use measuring utensils, prepare solutions, master physical and chemical methods of analysis, which allows them to make calculations and perform more complex work in the future.

When implementing the principle of connecting theory with practice, the teacher not only transfers theoretical knowledge to students, but shows their significance in real life, teaches them to use the acquired knowledge in practice. In laboratory work, students not only test fundamental knowledge in practice, but also master various methods of analysis that they can use in their future professional activities: methods of potentiometry, conductometry, spectrophotometry, titrimetric methods of analysis.

Based on the principle of scientific nature, lecturers introduce students to the history of the studied phenomena and laws, methods of their study, as well as to famous scientists and doctors who have contributed to the development of chemistry and medicine. The lecture course is full of examples of modern scientific research in chemistry and medicine. Teachers-lecturers talk about the topics of educational research work in chemistry, which students are to carry out under their guidance.

To implement the principle of consistency and consistency, all topics of the discipline are in a logical relationship, while in the course of planning the educational process, the educational material is arranged in accordance with the logic of science, on each subsequent topic, students repeat and generalize the studied educational material, and the teacher constantly reveals to students interdisciplinary and intradisciplinary connections of the discipline “General chemistry. Bioorganic Chemistry".

Conclusion. A properly structured learning process based on the fundamental principles of learning, which are implemented in a special way in the process of teaching the discipline “General Chemistry. Bioorganic Chemistry”, allows 1st year students of the Faculty of Preventive Medicine not only to form fundamental knowledge in chemistry, but also to prepare for professionally oriented research work, which students perform in the 2nd year within the discipline “Pathochemistry of toxic environmental factors”, to gain practical skills and skills that will be in demand in future professional training.


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How to Cite

Наронова Наталия Анатольевна, & Тихонова Ирина Леонидовна. (2023). FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES FOR FORMING FUNDAMENTAL KNOWLEDGE AMONG 1st YEAR STUDENTS OF THE HEALTH AND PREVENTIVE FACULTY. Actual Problems of Pedagogy and Psychology. Scientific Peer-Reviewed Electronic Journal (online Edition) 16+, 4(4), 19–27. Retrieved from