

survey, teacher of additional education, level of readiness, work problems, inclusion, children with disabilities, disabled people, inclusive education, attitude to inclusive education


Abstract. This article analyzes the readiness of teachers of additional education to work with children with disabilities in the KHMAO-Yugra.

Relevance. This article reflects the need to develop the readiness of teachers of additional education to work with children with disabilities and disabled people.

Problem, goal, and tasks. The problem is the contradiction between the education received by a teacher of additional education and the need to develop competencies that allow working with children with disabilities and disabled people. Purpose: to Analyze and identify the level of professional readiness of teachers of additional education in the KHMAO-Yugra to implement inclusive education. Objectives: to conduct a survey aimed at identifying the formation of professional competencies of teachers of additional education necessary in working with children with disabilities and disabilities; to Identify the reasons for the low results of proficiency in professional competencies of teachers of additional education necessary in working with children with disabilities and disabilities.

Materials and methods of research. The article presents materials based on the results of a survey among teachers of additional education aimed at identifying the level of their professional readiness to work with children with disabilities. The survey was conducted using the Google Forms online service.

The results obtained make it possible to speak about the level of readiness of teachers of additional education to work with children with disabilities in the context of the implementation of inclusive education.

Conclusions and conclusions. Based on the processed results, it was revealed that the majority of teachers of additional education have a low and average level of professional readiness. They are not ready to work with children with disabilities and disabilities, they lack a methodological, psychological and pedagogical component. In this regard, fruitful work is needed to develop and conduct professional training and retraining courses, various round tables, trainings, seminars, development of methodological recommendations for the organization of an inclusive educational process, etc.



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How to Cite

Некрасова, . О. А., & Чуйкова , И. В. (2021). ANALYSIS OF READINESS OF TEACHERS OF ADDITIONAL EDUCATION TO WORK WITH CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES. Actual Problems of Pedagogy and Psychology. Scientific Peer-Reviewed Electronic Journal (online Edition) 16+, 1(1), 15–21. Retrieved from