

health-improving gymnastics, gymnastics, aerobics, callanetics, shaping, stretching.


Abstract. The authors consider the health-improving effect of various types of gymnastics on the body. The analysis of the state of this direction of physical culture in scientific articles posted on the website is given Contraindications and restrictions to health-improving gymnastics are described.Relevance. The relevance of this topic is closely related, first of all, to a significant deterioration in the health of students. In recent years, health-improving physical culture has been actively developing, which has already become one of the key factors of human health. Along with health-improving physical culture, health-improving types of gymnastics are also actively developing. In the field of health-improving physical culture, innovative technologies are actively introduced into practice to achieve and maintain the best physical condition of a person in accordance with his individual characteristics, personal capabilities and motivationProblem, goal, tasks. The problem – the effectiveness of relaxation gimnastiki as a means of physical culture. The purpose of this work is to study various studies on the development and experimental testing of health-improving gymnastics on different groups of individuals. Research on how health-improving gymnastics affects the physical condition of students. Compare the effectiveness of the impact of some popular in our time types of health-improving gymnastics on the indicators of physical fitness and the state of the central nervous system.Materials and methods of research. materials for the study were scientific publications on the website methods: analysis, synthesis, generalization, review.Results and discussion. In health-improving gymnastics, various types of physical culture are used: stretching, Callanetics, Shaping, Aerobics, Health-improving gymnastics "Hadu" , etc. Systematic implementation of elements of health-improving types of gymnastics during physical training will help to develop the child's body, instill the need to take care of their health, will contribute to the development and strengthening of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous system, strengthen the organs of vision, as well as increase physical and mental performance, form a healthy posture and correct arches of the footConclusion. Health-improving gymnastics is increasingly becoming an object of research, as it contributes to the effective improvement of students. Unfortunately, physical culture in our country is given very few academic hours in both secondary and higher educational institutions. This is the main advantage of health-improving gymnastics. It is accessible, it is not so complicated, it is aimed at improving health and maintaining tone. It is recommended to almost all people, as there are various and affordable types of this gymnastics.



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How to Cite

Иванов, В. Д., & Антошкина, Н. А. (2020). HEALTH-IMPROVING TYPES OF GYMNASTICS. Actual Problems of Pedagogy and Psychology. Scientific Peer-Reviewed Electronic Journal (online Edition) 16+, 1(3), 10–18. Retrieved from



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