

tourism, ecotourism, rural tourism, ecotourism.


Abstract. The article provides an overview of scientific publications on ecotourism, its types and development prospects. The goals and objectives of ecotourism as a new direction in the tourism industry are highlighted.

Tourism is one of the sectors of the economy that is constantly developing and changing, and this industry also captures other parts of the economy and, accordingly, affects the labor market. More and more people are involved in tourism every year.

The concept of "Ecotourism" emerged relatively recently in the mid-80s of the XX century. And it became fashionable in the 90s of the XX century. Eco-tourism (ecotourism, green tourism) is a form of sustainable tourism that focuses on visiting relatively unaffected natural areas. Although the ecotourism direction was born recently, it is actively gaining popularity, which indicates its relevance for the modern world.

But this topic also has its own problems in some aspects. There are no clear and approved boundaries for the categories of specially protected, protected natural areas where ecotourism is carried out; the level of negative anthropogenic impact is not established.

Conclusion. Ecotourism is almost a new direction in cultural tourism, which is still waiting for its interesting projects. But, on the other hand, this direction is a modern development of natural routes. Ecotourism is designed to create economic incentives to preserve the environment.


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Information about the authors

Valentin Dmitrievich Ivanov, PhD of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor, associate Professor of the Department of physical education and sports. Chelyabinsk state University, Chelyabinsk, Russia. ORCID ID: AuthorID: E-mail:



How to Cite

Иванов, В. Д., & Панченко, О. Д. (2020). ECOTOURISM AS A NEW DIRECTION. Actual Problems of Pedagogy and Psychology. Scientific Peer-Reviewed Electronic Journal (online Edition) 16+, 1(2), 53–61. Retrieved from

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